Convert Swedish Krona To Japanese Yen

This page shows the historical data for Swedish Krona to Japanese Yen . With the history chart of this currency pairs you can review market history and analyze rate trends. Convert Swedish Krona to Japanese Yen with real time currency calculator. Just enter the amount in currency converter to SEK or JPY field and converter in real time will show the conversion result. You can modify SEK to JPY converter and add or remove any currency you want. Aside currency converter, you’ll find SEK/JPY chart – here you can check live and history SEK/JPY exchange rates.

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Exchange rates of Swedish Krona and Japanese Yen was updated . All our currency pairs are based on the official exchange rates from the European Central Bank.

Swedish Krona To Japanese Yen

The views expressed by these independent contractors on do not represent our views. Wise is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011, Firm Reference , for the issuing of electronic money. Simply type in the box how much you want to convert. We use two factor authentication to protect your account. Join more than 6 million people who get a better deal when they send money with Wise. Wise takes the stress out of sending large amounts of money abroad — helping you save for the important things.

The Swedish krona is the national currency spread and issued in Sweden. In the international currency arena, it is known as SEK. Until recently, 1 krona could be subdivided into 100 smaller coins – öre. Click on the dropdown to select SEK in the first dropdown as the currency that you want to convert and JPY in the second drop down as the currency you want to convert to. The banknote denominations of JPY are ¥1000, ¥2000, ¥5000 & ¥10000. Similarly, the banknote denominations of SEK are 20k , 50k , 100k , 200k & 500k .

This is the page of currency pairs, Swedish Krona convert to Japanese Yen. Below shows the current exchange rate of the currency pairs updated every 1 minutes and their exchange rates history graph. Use our currency converter below to download historical exchange rates between Swedish Krona and Japanese Yen. CoinYEP Foreign exchange converter and cryptocurrency converter. Instantly converts each currency into all others. Prices data are continually gathered from multiple markets.

It existed for 5 years up until the World War I. The term “krona” in Scandinavian languages means “crown”. Despite the fall of the Union, Denmark and Norway also have the same names for their currencies. is a news site only and not a currency trading platform. is a site operated by TransferWise Inc. (“We”, “Us”), a Delaware Corporation.