Software Featured012

Numpy Style Arrays For C++?

Numba translates Python functions to optimized machine code at runtime using the industry-standard LLVM compiler library. Numba-compiled numerical algorithms in Python can approach the speeds of C or FORTRAN. Functions that support broadcasting are k...
Software Featured018

Database Access Optimization

Since LinearConstraint takes the dot product of the solution vector with this argument, it’ll result in the sum of the purchased shares. In contrast, (A), the matrix of assignments, is under our complete control—within the limits defined by our const...
Software Featured012

Responsive Design Testing Checklist

Cross browser compatibility testing allows you to view and explore your website on any browser, operating system, or resolution. Cross browser testing is a more profound concept, and covering it here will divert us from this post theme. The larger um...
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Useful Guidelines To Improve Responsive Design Testing

Though media queries are still in practice, comparatively fewer options are available in this method. Learn automation web testing with real-time experience and expert guidance to update the existing skills. In a portrait mode, a device with its shor...
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Mqtt Protocol Overview

In order to keep connection with server you should time to time send something to server otherwise server will close the connection. The right way to keep connection alive is a ping method....
Software Featured003

How To Install Python

The Pyramid framework has a lot of useful add-on packages that make web development a lot more convenient. Some other popular alternatives for web development in Python include Django and Flask. There are some other pieces of data that Pyramid adds t...
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